As you might expect, under the mandate to stay home as much as possible and maintain social distance the Annual General Meeting which was scheduled for April 15 2020 has been postponed.

At this time we are investigating both the possibility of moving the AGM online and simply rescheduling it for a later date. We will send out revised Notice of Meetings once we arrive at a solution.

In the meantime, we would like let all of our members know that the directors with terms expiring in April have agreed to continue to provide oversite to the Credit Union until such time as an election can be held.


Branch Update

As you may already be aware, WorkSafe BC has restricted access to the building in Richmond and it remains closed to the Public. As a result, we are no longer able to welcome our members who are not active employees into the branch.

Our staff continues to service our members both from their homes and from the main branch.

We continue to make adjustments to our service model to ensure that we are available to support the financial health of our members, and we encourage our members to reach out if there are additional ways that we can help you navigate these unprecedented times.


Remote Access

If you require online access to your account, in order to pay bills or utilize Interac E-transfer then we encourage you to contact our branch by phone to enable these feature. Likewise, flash enabled ATM cards are available, and you can request them by calling our office during our regular business hours at 604-276-3079.


The Compensation Employees Credit Union has proudly supported both the past and present employees of WorkSafe BC and will continue to do so in the weeks to come.

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