Milestone Reached in Proposed Merger Between CECU and Beem

We are excited to share that the Proposed Merger between Compensation Employees Credit Union (CECU) and Beem Credit Union (Beem) has reached a major milestone. The Superintendent of Financial Institutions has given consent for CECU to move forward with a member vote. This follows unanimous endorsement from both boards on the benefits we believe this proposed merger will bring to our members, employees, and the communities we serve.

For over 70 years, both CECU and Beem have been committed to helping members achieve their financial goals while supporting the communities we call home. By joining together, we can strengthen that commitment. In today’s fast-changing economic environment, this proposed merger is about building a stronger, more resilient future—one where we can offer more services, competitive products, and continue to put our members first.

From April 24 to April 30, CECU members will have the opportunity to vote on the proposed merger. If approved, the merger is expected to take effect on June 1, 2025.

After the vote, results will be shared on both credit unions’ websites and at TogetherWeAreBetter.ca.

Learn More
We know you might have questions, and we’re here to help. Visit
TogetherWeAreBetter.ca to find everything you need to know, including a Members Guide to understanding the proposed merger, Q&A, and a Supplemental Information Package and Asset Transfer Agreement.

If you have any additional questions, feel free to reach out to us at merger@cecu.ca or merger@beemcreditunion.ca.

Together, we’re building a stronger future. Thank you for being part of the journey!
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Compensation Employees Credit Union and Beem Credit Union Announce Proposed Merger


February 24, 2025 – Beem Credit Union and Compensation Employees Credit Union are excited to announce they’ve entered into merger discussions.


After thoroughly reviewing the opportunity, both boards have put their unanimous support behind this proposed merger. On February 14, an application was submitted to BC Financial Services Authority (BCFSA) for consent to put the proposal forward to a CECU member vote.


“United we’re stronger, and able to do even more for our members and communities,” said Breanna Gregerson, Chair of the Board at CECU. “This merger is a significant step forward for CECU, providing enhanced member services, greater financial stability, and more opportunities for our employees. Together, we will build a stronger, more resilient credit union that continues to prioritize the needs and aspirations of our members.” 


Operating together under the Beem banner, the credit union will provide a network 66 branches, along with insurance offices to approximately 190,000 members throughout Metro Vancouver, the Sea-to-Sky Corridor, the Fraser Valley, the Interior, and into Northern BC.   


“Over the past seven decades, our two credit unions have grown and adapted through significant periods of change to where we are today, all the while remaining steadfast to our commitment of putting people and community at the heart of everything we do,” said Doug Sweeting, Board Chair of Beem Credit Union. “This proposed merger is the next step – combining values-aligned credit unions to provide mutual benefits.” 


Should the BCFSA provide consent, CECU members will then vote on the proposed merger.


About the Credit Unions 


Beem Credit Union (Beem) 

Beem is a new credit union with a history that extends back more than eight decades, when its founding credit unions were formed.. Rising to the rapidly evolving challenges of the financial services industry and inspired by cooperative values, our founding credit unions recognized that we can do more together. Beem means light. It means energy. It means a brighter financial future. United as Beem, we are combining our strengths to better serve our members.  Beem is one of BC’s largest provincially regulated credit unions, supporting the financial wellness of 190,000 members from 66 branches across the province with $17 billion in assets. Learn more about our journey to build Beem Credit Union at beemcreditunion.ca.  

Compensation Employes Credit Union (CECU) 

CECU has been serving employees of WorkSafeBC and their families for over 70 years. The credit union prides itself on delivering friendly, professional service, offering competitive products and caring about and meeting the needs of its members. CECU is dedicated to giving back to its community and members through meaningful initiatives and member dividends. 

Learn Morehttps://www.togetherwearebetter.ca/

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Compensation Employees Credit Union


Tuesday, April 16th, 2024   at  12:00 Noon

Meeting will be via MS Teams

 To attend the AGM via MS Teams send an email to info@cecu.ca requesting access and we will send you the link and the meeting package

 Copies of Financial Statements available  


Click here for more information

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AGM & Meeting Package Info  April 18/23 at Noon via MS Teams

To attend the CECU AGM via MS Teams, send email to info@cecu.ca requesting access and we will send you the  TEAMS meeting link and the meeting package

 Note:  The AGM meeting package is also available on our website www.cecu.ca under   ABOUT – AGM Information.  Also posted is the Annual Report, Audited Financial Statements, Notice of meeting & Special Resolution, and explanations of the proposed rule changes.

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NOTICE OF AGM  April 18, 2023  12:00  via MS TEAMS

Compensation Employees Credit Union


Tuesday, April 18th, 2023   at  12:00 Noon

 To attend the AGM via MS Teams send an email to info@cecu.ca requesting access and we will send you the link and the meeting package

 Copies of Financial Statements and Rules/changes are available on our website  www.cecu.ca


Notice of Special Resolution

 As a member of Compensation Employees Credit Union (the “Credit Union”), your participation is requested in a vote on a Special Resolution to approve proposed new and revised Rules for the Credit Union. Pursuant to the Credit Union Incorporation Act and the current Rules, this is your official notice of a special resolution. Members will be asked to vote on the Special Resolution at the Annual General Meeting of the Credit Union on April 18, 2023.

The Board of Directors of the Credit Union is focused on the modernization and continuous improvement of the Credit Union. For this reason, the Board is recommending changes to our Rules that are intended to benefit all members. The Rules of the Credit Union set out how the Credit Union is to be governed. Rules can only be amended with the approval of the Credit Union’s members and the consent of the BC Superintendent of Financial Institutions. The changes being proposed to the Rules are set out in the proposed Special Resolution and explanatory materials, which can be viewed at www.cecu.ca or obtained from our local branch. We encourage all members to read the suggested changes before you cast your vote.

The proposed changes will simplify and modernize the Credit Union’s share structure by removing references to non-equity shares. The available voting methods in connection with special resolutions will be expanded in order to give a greater number of members the opportunity to vote on important matters relating to the Credit Union. The proposed changes also allow for Board, committee and general meetings of the Credit Union to be held by electronic means. This will allow for a greater number of members to attend meetings of the Credit Union. The changes also reduce the quorum for general meetings of the Credit Union to recognize the small size of the Credit Union. A number of housekeeping changes are proposed in order to clarify and modernize the language of the Rules, including the use of general neutral terminology as is consistent with the Credit Union’s inclusivity initiatives.

The proposed changes will be discussed in greater detail at our Annual General Meeting on April 18, 2023.  If any member has any questions in advance of the meeting, you are encouraged to contact your local branch office for clarification.

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To: All Members 

Subject: Changes to CECU Account Names 

Effective December 31, 2021, we will be retiring the name “Regular Shares” and will be renaming our demand account “Regular Savings.” 

Your account will continue to function the way that you are used to. Your account number, online banking, ATM cards, pay roll deductions and direct deposits, and eligibility for patronage allocations (formerly, dividends) will not be impacted. Deposits are 100% guaranteed by the Credit Union Deposit Insurance Corporation. 

The name change to “savings” is meant to better describe the demand account that you use regularly and to make things clearer for you and for our regulators. You will see the name change reflected on your year-end statement. 

 Why make the change? 

Rest assured, CECU members will continue to hold membership equity shares as owners of the credit union. 

However, another type of a share in a credit union is called a “non-equity share”. Non-equity shares are quite similar to deposits and, although they had historical relevance, they have now become antiquated. To our knowledge, CECU has never issued non-equity shares. We think that referring to our demand accounts as “shares” could give rise to confusing them with “non-equity shares” and we determined it would be prudent to change the name of the demand accounts to bring our terminology in line with our practice. 

Even though there is no record of any “non-equity shares” ever being issued by CECU, the CECU Board of Directors has decided to redeem any validly issued non-equity shares outstanding at a rate of $1.00 per share. If applicable, the redemption price will be recorded as a re-allocation of existing funds in your account from a share investment to a deposit in the newly named “Regular Savings” accounts (which will have no impact – positive or negative - on your account balance). We felt this step was prudent given the remote possibility that any valid non-equity shares had in fact been issued and were still outstanding.  

If you have any questions about this change, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us. 


CECU Management and Board 

CECU Remains Open with limited access

At this time we continue to prioritize the health and safety of our members, staff and community.

WorkSafe employees are asked to complete a safe return-to-work form and request a drop in visit. All other members can contact our office to arrange their visit. 


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Pandemic Response Plan 

The COVID-19 virus is a significant item in the news. The risk is still ranked as low for the general population in Canada, but as we have seen this has and could continue to change rapidly.

That said, our plan is to continue to support our members, and the greater WorkSafe BC community, as much as possible. At this moment, our branch remains open. We are being mindful of keeping our staff as safe as possible, and have encouraged staff to work from home where possible. As a result there may be slightly longer response times than you are used to. We are also asking our members to do their part and are limiting branch traffic to one at a time in order to maintain an appropriate social distance.

Accessing your account information

Accessing your funds and information has not changed.

If you would like to be set up for online banking, interact e-transfer, or to receive an ATM card for your account, please reach out to our office and we will gladly make those available to you

You can still contact us by phone at 604-276-3079 or by e-mail info@cecu.ca

Payroll Deduction

At this time, payroll deductions will continue as directed.

If you need to make changes to these deductions, the same nine day lead time will apply.

(Cut-off for changes remains the Tuesday before the following week’s pay)

Credit/Financial Assistance
Should you or your family be negatively impacted financially as a result of the COVID-19 situation, please contact us at the above information. CECU is ready to help our members navigate through this challenging time. Please advise us of your situation and we will do our utmost to accommodate accordingly. 

Our Promise to our Members
To help encourage good hygiene practices, hand sanitizing products are located at all work stations. Hands can transmit infectious material (for example saliva or other body fluids that may contain viruses) to the mouth, nose or eyes, where there is a direct route of entry into the body. We encourage you to use the hand sanitizer when you visit.

During a pandemic, thorough workplace cleaning measures are required to minimize the transmission of virus through non-porous (i.e doorknobs, sinks) and porous surfaces (i.e. curtains, chairs, cubical walls) as some viruses can live up to two days on surfaces.
We have cleaned and/or disinfected our desks, workstations. And continue to do so on a regular basis.
Employee Protection
Employee protection involves providing a safe and healthy work environment for all our employees prior to, during and after a pandemic. We have ensured:

  • Providing basic hygiene products and training to employees
  • Establishing workplace cleaning guidelines.

Hand washing is an important way to reduce transmission of infectious diseases. Running water and non-abrasive hand soap must be used for at least 30 seconds when washing. It is important to dry hands either mechanically or with disposable toweling after washing.
Communication Strategy
Communication is an important element of a pandemic response plan. It is critical to effectively communicate before, during and after an epidemic or pandemic. Our Communication Plan includes:

  • Awareness – our employees are aware of the hazards associated with the virus (including symptoms) and procedures to isolate and report cases in order to reduce exposures.
  • Reporting – we commit to reporting to the local health department if dealing with a potentially infected individual. We adhere to recommendations of the local health department.

We will keep you informed of any service disruptions and will update this webpage accordingly.

Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV)
Coronavirus is a large family of viruses that cause illness ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome. A novel coronavirus is a new strain that has not been previously identified in humans. Coronaviruses are zoonotic, meaning they are transmitted between animals and humans.
Common signs of infection include respiratory symptoms, fever, cough, shortness of breath and breathing difficulties. In more severe cases, infection can cause pneumonia, severe acute respiratory syndrome, kidney failure and even death.
Non-seasonal influenza is spread through close contact with live, infected animals.
Coronavirus infections are diagnosed by a health care provider based on symptoms and are confirmed through laboratory tests.

  • Wash your hands frequently with soap and water or use an alcohol-based hand rub if your hands are not visibly dirty.
  • Practice food safety. Avoid consumption of raw or undercooked animal products.
  • Ensure you are familiar with the symptoms.
  • If you develop a fever accompanied with cough and muscle pain, immediately seek a health care professional’s advice.
  • Be aware and follow the recommended actions from your local physician or health provider.
  • If you are quarantined by health authorities, inform your work site supervisor or appropriate personnel or family member.
  • It is normal to feel sad, stressed, confused, scared or angry during a crisis. Talking to people you trust can help.

For up to date information we follow:

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Thursday, October 25th is International Credit Union Day. This day is celebrated by credit union members throughout the world to commemorate the founding of the first credit union over 150 years ago. Credit Unions have been operating in Canada since 1901.
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CECU is building a data base better communicate with members on important issues & to prepare for an e-statement option in the future. Please contact the credit union and let us know if you want to be included and provide your email address. All information will be kept confidential.
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CECU members have access to one of the largest surcharge-free ATM Networks in Canada.  This means surcharge-free deposits, withdrawals, transfers, PIN changes and more at thousands of ATMs coast to coast.  These surcharge-free ATMs are even located in select Mac’s milk, Couche Tard and Circle K convenience stores. 

Just look for THE EXCHANGE® Network logo  on the ATM, or download our free ATM Locator App for smart phones and tablets by clicking the link below and a surcharge-free ATM will always be at your finger tips!  Use an Exchange Network ATM and say goodbye to ATM surcharge fees!


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